This is a blogspot, on Governance Transformation issues. The main topics include Electronic Governance and Transformational Government research on: Future Internet Services, Interoperability, Service creation, Semantics and Ontologies, Cloud Infrastructures, eParticipation, Opinon Mining, Social Networks, Mobile devices, Open Data, Artificial Intellegence, Impact Analysis and Project Management.
Visit the project site at http://www.padgets.eu/
The workshop aims to address the issues of scientific formalisation of Enterprise Interoperability, as a multidisciplinary research domain. Following on the works of European Commission Enterprise Interoperabilty Task Force (EITF) and relevant work by INTEROP-Vlab, the workshop aims at capitalising recent developments in the domain and set the agenda for further coordinated research activities in the enterprise interoperability community.
Topics The main topics of the workshop include:
Workshop chairs and organizers
Yannis Charalabidis National Technical University of Athens – Greek Interoperability Centre, Greece Email: yannisx@epu.ntua.gr Phone number:+30 210 7723555 Ricardo Goncalves, UNINOVA, Portugal Email: rg@uninova.pt Keith Popplewell, Coventry University, UK Email: cex393@coventry.ac.uk Submission Process Full papers may be submitted, via e-mail, to the workshop co-chairs. Papers will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind review system and published in the post conference proceedings book. Formatting rules should be according to those described in the conference portal. Extended versions of selected papers presented in the workshop will be submitted to a special issue for a recognised WoS IF international journal. Key Dates • Full Papers Due: March 1, 2010 • Notification of Acceptance: March 8, 2010 • Camera Ready Copy Due: After the workshop