The Greek and Cyprus Ministerial Delegations visited the 2009 eGovernment Awards Exhibition, in the 5th Ministerial eGovernment Conference, in Malmoe Sweden.
The delegation visited the booths of eDialogos (eParticipation case in Trikala), ERMIS (Interoperability case in Ministry of Interior), SPOCS (Services Directive Pan-European Pilot) and MOMENTUM (the eParticipation Action).

In the photograph, from left to right:
- Costas Agrotis (Director IT Services, Ministry of Finance, Cyprus)
- Stefanos Gritzalis (Secretary General of Electronic Government, Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation & Electronic Government, Greece)
- Yannis Charalabidis (Ass. Prof. eGovernment, University of the Aegean, Greece)
- Antonis Stassis (Project Manager, ERMIS Governmental Portal, Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation & Electronic Government, Greece)
- Yannis Ragoussis (Minister of Interior, Decentralisation and Electronic Government, Greece)
- Michalis Tamilos (Mayor of Trikala, Greece)
- Daniel van Lerberghe (Politech Institute, Belgium)
The Greek delegation also included G. Karounos (IT Advisor to the Prime Minister), Lilian Mitrou (Ass. Prof. University of Aegean), Dimitris Giantsis (General Manager, ICT Observatory) and representatives of public sector organisations and enterprises.
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