The applications targeted simple mobile government functionality, through reusing open data / open services from the Greek public sector information systems. At the time of development (Nov 2010 – Feb 2011) not many open web services existed within the Greek Public Sector, thus limiting possibilities.
The applications developed for Android and Windows 7 mobile platforms are the following:
- Automated VAT number validity check (Ministry of Finance)
- The new structure of Greek Local Administration, after the 2010 reform – “Kallikratis” programme
- The structure of Central Administration (Ministries, General Secretariats)
- A mobile tourist guide for Samos, including public administrations in the Island (in English)
- The list of electronic services provided by the Greek eGovernment gateway “Ermis” (Ministry of Interior)
- The Greek Government daily news via RSS (Presidency of the Greek Government)
- The open Government daily news (RSS from open government site “Diavgeia.gr”)