The 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems was held in Samos on 3-5 October 2015, organized by the Information Systems Laboratory (ISL) of the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, of the University of the Aegean, under the auspices of Association of Information Systems (AIS). The main theme of this year’s Conference is “Information Systems in a changing economy and society”, reflecting the critical role Information Systems play for enterprises and administrations, in their effort to accommodate radical economic and societal changes. MCIS 2015 solicits original contributions in the following non-exclusive tracks:
IS and Organizations
· Smart cities
· Big data, data protection and
privacy in a global society
· Electronic Government (GOV 2.0)
· Persuasive Information Systems
· Project Management and Beyond –
accommodation of the critical role of information systems
· Open Innovation & Knowledge
· Security of Information and IS
· Digital Entrepreneurship and the
Future Enterprise
Paper Submission
We invite research papers that present original
contributions to the theme of the conference or the themes of the special
tracks in the form of:
· Full research papers
· Extended abstracts and short
research-in-progress papers
· Case studies (research and teaching)
· Panel proposals
Submissions must be original and should not
have been published previously. Papers should be submitted in English,
electronically as pdf files via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mcis2015
Authors should indicate, in the main
text of the paper, the track for which they wish their paper to be considered.
If no track is indicated the paper will be considered for the conference main
track. Submissions will be subjected to peer review. Each accepted paper should
be presented by one of the authors and accompanied by at least one full
registration fee payment, to guarantee publication in the proceedings. MCIS
is a major international conference on Information Systems, endorsed by the
American Information Society (AIS) and its proceedings are published in the AIS
library and indexed in all major scientific indexes.
Christopher Tucci, Professor of Management of
Technology, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) “Information System
and Business Model Challenges in The Era of Future Digital Enterprises”
Doctoral Consortium
Building upon the success of previous years,
MCIS 2015 will include a Doctoral Consortium (DC) program. MCIS 2015 Doctoral
Consortium aims to offer doctoral students the opportunity to interact and
connect with first-class researchers working in IS fields in a relaxed yet
stimulating setting. Ph.D. students currently working on their dissertations
are eligible for nomination submission. Candidates should not have successfully
defended their dissertation prior the Doctoral Consortium meeting that will be
held on October 3rd, 2015, in Samos. Submissions should be sent by email
to ddrosos@aegean.gr by midnight June
15, 2015, Greek time (GMT + 02:00), 2015. More information at http://mcis2015.eu/doctoral-consortium/
M. Amami, RMC, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
S. Arvanitis, University of Zurich
H. A. Ismail, German University in Cairo
M. Kajtazi,
Örebro University
E. Kolkowska, Örebro
A. Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia
F. Lampathaki, National Technical University of
G. Lekakos, Athens Univ. of Economics &
D. Lekas, Univ. of the Aegean
L. Mitrou, Univ. of the Aegean
A. Montalero, Politecnico di Torino
A. Polydoropoulou, Univ. of the Aegean
A. Pouloudi, Athens Univ. of Economics &
B. R. Schlichte, Aarhus University
P. Svejvig, Aarhus University
M. Themistocleous, University of Pireaus
C. L. Tucci, École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne
Conference Chairs
Dr. Euripidis Loukis, Associate Professor,
University of Aegean, eloukis@aegean.gr
Dr. Yannis Charalabidis, Assistant Professor,
University of Aegean, yannisx@aegean.gr
Program Chairs
Dr. Spyros Kokolakis, Assistant Professor,
University of Aegean, sak@aegean.gr
Dr. Maria Karyda, Assistant Professor,
University of Aegean, mka@aegean.gr
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Dr. Dimitrios Drosos, Lecturer, University of
Aegean, ddrosos@aegean.gr
Conference Venue
The Conference took place in the Samaina
Inn Hotel, at Karlovassi, Samos, which is just a stone’s throw away from the
beach. The hotel has a 230-seat conference centre, air-conditioned and
stylishly furnished rooms and offers a wide range of activities.
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