Digital Government Track of EMCIS 2020
The increasing exploitation of ICTs, both traditional and emerging one, for improving value generation by government agencies, has led to the rapid development of Digital Government research and practice. The first generation of it, usually referred to as ‘e-Government 1.0’ aimed mainly at the exploitation of ICT for improving the efficiency and decreasing the cost of the complex processes and operations of government agencies, as well as their transactions with citizens and firms. However, the second generation of it, e-Government 2.0, focused on the use of ICT, and especially the Internet and the social media, for enhancing government transparency, as well as interaction and collaboration with the citizens and firms, and in general promote open and participative government. Recently, a third generation of e-government has emerged, aiming on one hand to improve policy making processes and outcomes, and on the other to exploit some promising technologies (such as business analytics, cloud, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, etc.), which are quite successful in the private sector, in the public sector as well.
The ‘Digital Government’ track of the 17th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) (to be held online on 25-26 November 2020) seeks new and unpublished research contributions from academia, public administration and businesses on Digital Government, concerning a wide range of topics, which include, but are not limited to:
· ‘Classical’ efficiency-oriented digital government
- E-Government services
- Electronic Democracy and Electronic Voting
- Digital Divide and e-Inclusion
- Information Society and e-Governance policies
- Open Government - Transparency, Participation and Collaboration
- Open government data
- Data Science and Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD)
- Cloud Computing in Government
- Citizen-centric e-Government
- Innovative e-Services (Transparent, Anticipatory, Context-Aware, Co-Created)
- Smart Cities, Smart Government and Smart Citizens
- Security, Privacy and Trust in Digital Government
- Benefits, barriers and risks of e-Government development and adoption
- e-Procurement
- Government Process Management, Interoperability and Integration
- Social Media in Government
- Policy Modelling/Analytics and e-Rulemaking
- Artificial Intelligence in government
- Legal Informatics
- Mobile-Government (M-Government)
- Transformational e-Government and Public Values
The submissions deadline has been extended to 20 July 2020
The Conference proceedings will be published in a Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing volume.
Track Chairs
Euripidis Loukis, University of Aegean, Greece
Yannis Charalabidis, University of Aegean, Greece
Charalampos Alexopoulos, University of Aegean, Greece
Euripidis Loukis, University of Aegean, Greece
Yannis Charalabidis, University of Aegean, Greece
Charalampos Alexopoulos, University of Aegean, Greece
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