Saturday, January 7, 2012

The eGovernment Symposium at HICSS, Maui: New Challenges for eGov Research

The eGovernment Track is one of the most successful tracks in HICSS conference, held for more than 10 years in the Hawaiian islands.  For 2012, the 45th HICSS conference was held at the Grand Wailea Hotel, in the island of Maui, US.

View of the Symposium, Gordon Bruce presenting
On the first day of the conference, the eGovernment Symposium was held, among distinguished participants from research, academia, industry and government sector.  Keynote speaches included Sonny Baghowalia (Hawaii State CIO) and Bruce Gordon (Honolulu CIO).

During the discussion, several new research challenges arose, depicted in the following mindmap:

For more information on HICSS eGov Track, visit:


  1. So Why the Goverment have to do like this ..?? you have to explain it.

  2. I invite you to have a look at the OCOPOMO Open COllaboration for POlicy MOdelling website: It's a European research project developing an agent based model with the support of stakeholders. What do you think?

  3. That's really nice, that you have passed many successful years. I appreciate it and congratulations for you.

