Monday, July 23, 2012

New Book on ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling

A new title was published by NTUA and Bookstars publishing on Governance and Policy Modelling.  Edited by Yannis Charalabidis, Fenareti Lampathaki and Dimitris Askounis, the book is titled "Paving the way for future research in ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling" and contains several chapters on how information technology can assist governance.

Taken from the preface:

"This book is a result of the collaborative effort of several internationally renowned policy scientists, complex system theorists, governance researchers, economists, management science and ICT experts, under the guidance of the CROSSROAD team.

Seville, Athens, Brussels, Lausanne and Samos Island have been welcoming venues for this group, offering opportunities for highly innovative and productive brainstorming. But, clearly, the on-line deliberation toolset deployed by CROSSROAD was the key differentiating factor, engaging several hundred researchers, public sector decision-makers, industry representatives and citizens.

May we all remember this collective experience in the times to come, a little proud that we tried the difficult road: not to just “do the things right”, but to make an attempt towards “doing the right things” for ICTenabled Governance and evidence-based decision making.

For us, for our children, for our society."

You may download the entire book as PDF here:

You may cite this work as following:

Charalabidis Y., Lampathaki F., Askounis. D.: «Paving the way for Future Research in ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling», pp. 1 - 159, ISBN 978-960-6815-92-2, Bookstars Publishing, 2012

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